Love is success

Love is kind, love is patient and love is friendly.
Love is an oblation, a gift, and a blessing.
Love means faithfulness and truthfulness.
Love means honesty and loyalty.
Love is God and God is love.

Love keeps your antagonists wondering
And brings them closer.
Love is not problematic,
A person is.
Love is not complicating,
But yet made to look complicated.

Love is a colour,
It makes you shine.
Love is a skin care product,
It makes you glow.
Love is not a destination,
But a boundless journey.
Love is not misdemeanour, adultery is.
Love is not from the heart,
It’s just a believed written theory.
Love is not blind,
A blind eye is put on bizzare situations.
Love doesn’t fade, it’s infinite.
You don’t put a handbrake on love,
You accelerate it on a momentary basis because its velocity is limitless.
There’s no true love nor false love or tough love,
Love is love.

Love is not supposed to be a potential,
But a talent because you are born with it.
Love is not supposed to be conditional
But unconditionally because it comes naturally.
Love is not supposed to be spelled,
Because it’s not magic nor a tradition but originally naturally.
Love is not supposed to be a defeat,
But a victory because it’s not a curse yet a blessing.

Love is not supposed to make you frown but to smile,
Because it’s an exquisite feeling.
Love is not supposed to make you cry but to laugh,
Unless the tears are those of merriment.
Love is not supposed to be expressed orally only,
Because it’s a verb not a noun.
Love is not supposed to drag you to slothfulness,
Because it’s gay.
Love is not supposed to make you look grotesque,
Because it’s a beauty treatment.
Love is not supposed to cause destitution,
Because it’s not penury but wealth.

Love is not supposed to cause pain in your nerves but your high blood pressure stable,
Because it’s not a disease.
Love is not supposed make you a walking corpse,
Because it’s life.
Love is not supposed to make you bleed for it,
Because you might not be lucky enough to get a blood donor.
Love is not supposed to make you grieve,
Because it’s not a funeral.

Love is not supposed to be hard,
Because it’s not mathematics nor solve for x but life orientation.
Love is not supposed to make you sweat for it,
Because it’s not a construction employment.
Love is not supposed to be scarce,
Because it’s like Choice condoms.
Love is not supposed to be paid,
But received free of charge because it’s costless.
Love is not supposed to make you proud but humble,
Because it’s not a competition.

Love brings peace and happiness
As a result, you end up respective.
Love is general and generous.
Love conquers everything,
Because with it everything is possible.

Lebogang Nkhabelane.
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